銀雪の如き思い Like the Sliver Snow
(女神の塔 夜明け前)
Goddess Tower | Nighttime
エーデルガルト: ふふ……会えるはずもないのに、ここに来てしまった……。
Edelgard: Why am I even here? I know they won't come, but here I am anyway.
How has it already been five years? Time stops for no one, I suppose.
エーデルガルト: え……?……師!?
Edelgard: Huh? It's― It's you!
What are you doing here?
Choice 1: エーデルガルトに会いに I came here for you.
エーデルガルト: 私に……!?
Edelgard: For me?
Choice 2: 偶然 I'm not sure myself.
Choice 3: 何となく A whim.
2, 3は無し
エーデルガルト: じゃなくて!……生きていたのね、貴方。
Edelgard: Highly doubtful. So you were alive.
What have you been doing all this time?
Choice 1: 眠っていた I was sleeping.
Choice 2: 死んでいた I was dead.
エーデルガルト: こんな時に冗談なんて……。私には言えないというなら、それでいいわ。
Edelgard: Joking at a time like this. Well if you don't wish to tell me, I won't persuade you.
All that matters is this... Will you return to the Empire with me?
エーデルガルト: 私の下で戦っている学級の仲間もいるのよ。
Edelgard: Before you answer, know that friends from our Black Eagle days have chosen to join me in the fight ahead.
Choice 1: それは…… I...
エーデルガルト: いいの、言い淀む時点で貴方の答えはわかっているわ。
Edelgard: Hesitation. It betrays your true answer.
Choice 2: 無理だ I can't.
エーデルガルト: そうでしょうね。貴方の答えはわかっていたわ。
Edelgard: As expected. I knew your answer before I had even asked the question.
エーデルガルト: ……私と貴方は敵同士。
Edelgard: That means... we're enemies now, you and I.
My teacher, the time for discussion has come to an end.
エーデルガルト: 剣は容易く交わるというのに……私たちの道が、交わることはない
Movie: Reunion: Silver Snow
Edelgard: Even though our swords may cross as they do now...
...there's no denying that our chosen paths never will.
Goodbye, my teacher. When next we meet, one of us will breath their last.